I’m interested in making money online. The whole eBook thing has gotten me very interested so I’ll give it a go. Hopefully I’ll make something, if not, it’s a fun rabbit hole to dig down into.
I thought I’d log my process so more people can not just wonder about the details. Of course I’m not going to write down all of the websites and books and whatever details, because if everyone copies my strategy it’ll hurt my earnings.
So… here we go.
The learning resources
Everything I know is basically from this thread: Making Money FAQ
The plan
- Buy resale rights for cheap, like a $10 package.
- Pick out a few books. Christmas is coming and I can’t think of any general topic to try other than cookbooks and children related stuff. So Christmas cookbook will be one and we’ll see what else speaks to me.
- Make a store front. I think I’ll use Gumroad for a start. Because it’s fast to set up and handles everything.
- Google around for different free local classifields and put up a few books whereever it makes sense.
If I make any dollars I can upgrade:
- More expensive books
- My own website with offers
- Make my own book with compilations
- Write a book from scratch
- Is $10 enough for a book resale package?
- Perhaps the christmas cookbook category is so over filled already?
- How do I make sure I don’t sell the same ebook somewhere that is already sold?
- I already tried looking for classifields and I must say it’s not easy to find them. How can I tell if it’s popular at all?
Let’s see what happens. I’ll be back.