The normal order of things is job/money, then some sort of home on wheels. Homes on wheels can be more difficult depending on where you’re at.
Depending on your goals, you can be a ghost, and asset to others, or a detriment to the community surrounding you. Most of us find some combination of the first two preferable.
If the locals are hostile towards mobile dwellers, everybody might be in ghost mode. Doesn’t mean it’s not possible, just the need to adapt to what works in any given area.
I don’t do stealth, and really don’t believe in it. If a neighborhood doesn’t want me, a few blocks away I might be welcomed. With practice you learn the best places to stay. They can vary widely between areas, and whether or not it is legal or illegal in any given area. I’ve camped without problem in many cities where it is technically illegal, but by not trying to hide, and being a good neighbor, nobody complained. I’d pick up trash along both sides of the street, so the neighbors could see I was trying to be a good neighbor. Sometimes I’d shovel snow, or mow somebody’s lawn, always for free. Just little things, but things that meant you were a good neighbor, and not somebody to complain about. Sometimes, I’d help build decks, or patios, or other things since I worked construction anyway…
If you go cheap, you’re not risking much, and owning the roof over your head is a great feeling. I’d take vehicle dwelling over couch surfing any day, if it was an achievable goal. Many things in life are possible if we’re determined enough to achieve them.
Check the legalities in your area, and keep your eyes peeled for others doing it. Sometimes awareness can be more educating than the laws.
Good luck and holler of if we can be of assistance.