Greetings & Welcome!
Swamp coolers that utilize heat exchangers do not add to the humidity, and they actually dehumidify, just like an air conditioner would for a fraction of the price, a fraction of the power requirements, and far more efficiently. I’ve been using them for many years, and never had a moisture problem.
The 12v Peltier powered heat pumps are also a superior solution for any temperatures above freezing. They draw under 5a at 12v DC. Once again, more efficient heating/cooling, for a fraction of the price & power requirements.
As for the fridge/freezer, diesel heater, induction hob, and air fryer… WHY? There are better, simpler, non electric options for all of those.
It is far easier to conserve power, than to create it, and systems like you’re suggesting frequently burn down people’s campers. We have the option of making our lives simple, easy, comfortable, & reliable, or complicated & miserable. There’s simply nothing to gain by complicating things.
I have all of the comforts & conveniences of all the amenities you’re suggesting, including the power to run everything, for a fraction of the price & complications, and one of my focuses is on long term sustainability and reliability. My solutions for everything you’ve listed cost under $300 USD, and they will outperform everything you’ve listed.
We old timers use the KISS (Keep It Stupidly Simple) system for good reason. The 3 R’s of campers mean everything to us. Reliability, Repairability, and Replaceability. Complicated systems simply don’t meet that criteria. It’s not about doing without, or doing it cheaper, it’s about doing it better, and making better choices. Being cheaper is just an added bonus.
We don’t need to impress anybody but ourselves. We don’t need the latest & greatest, when the tried & true is still the better choice. My ego just simply wants the best options possible.
"Accountability, responsibility, sustainability,
& creative solutions for the win." ~ Old_Soul