Hi everyone! I have searched every corner and cant deside if my plan is valid or not:
I´m planning on having three 175w panels (renogy) in parallel, hooked up with DCS 50 amps dc to dc charger that has inbuild mppt. On the charger it says that highest charging current is 50 A (I guess 25solar/25 alternator). Solar watts would be under the maximum limit which is 660w, so would it blow up the sytem? I think when hooked up parallel total current of the panels would be Optimum Operating Current: 9.67 A and Short Circuit Current: 10.31 A. Thanks for the help!
Solar panels in parallel….
Voltage stays at 12
Amperes would be added 9.67X 3= around 30A
I also bought the DCC 50S. You should be okay with panel voltage(max 25V) and amps (about 30A). It will handle 25A each, solar and DC-DC charger, but will handle 50A if you are only using solar or DC-DC charging separately. There’s a good youtube showing how to install a dash switch to turn alternator charging on/off through the relay wire with the charger. I installed my rooftop solar with a different MPPT controller. The DCC 50S will be used for alternator charging and portable solar panels, so I’m only using it for one source at a time and will get the full 50A capacity from that source.
Good Luck!