Wanna share with like minded folks about building my van

**Introduce Yourself…**hey! I’m going as mvisland101. I live and work on Martha’s Vineyard. I have been living in a trans cargo medium roof 250 I have a bed and 4 200W solar panels with Bluetooth lithium batteries that generate 800W and I’m hoping to start right in with my search for a mini split, the system I have is Renogy, so far I have a Trelino toilet (love it) a bed and wool insulation I spent a winter using propane heat although I bought a diesel heater. I never installed it now I’m looking at the heat. It doesn’t get really hot here maybe three weeks out of the summer but because I’m right on the ocean there is that high humidity I’d like to get a mini split, but there’s no room on my roof for anything that’s where I made the mistake. Actually, the mistake I made was not by finding help. There’s too many things on Pinterest and there’s no one to talk to. I mean I’ll figure it all out, but it sure would help to be able to talk to somebody else. By the way, my name is Fred

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Greetings & Welcome!

I’ve built & helped build many rigs over the years, and available to help from a distance.


"Walk in Day Labor: Work Today, Get Paid Today! Win/Win! 👍" ~ Money Matters

Thank you Van_Dweller! I’ve got to meet tomorrow with my Electrician and intend to take pictures of the build, which will help in our communication with one another… I appreciate your help!

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Please make sure it is an auto/RV electrician, and not a home/business one. There are huge differences.


"Walk in Day Labor: Work Today, Get Paid Today! Win/Win! 👍" ~ Money Matters

Too late on that! It took me 8 months to find anyone who would do it! I was lucky enough to find a young fellow who had hooked up a van and he actually did a great job! No, the problem I was having is with my batteries going offline (Renogy). I also have solar. I just have to get an air conditioner and I too want to install on the back door… my question echos the one earlier… what brand and who has the mini split, heating and cooling?


In real life, window shakers are by far the favorite over the mini splits. Mini splits are promoter BS, trying to put your money in their pockets.

You do know that an a/c is going to require either a generator or shore power right? To date NOBODY has been successful running an a/c for longer than an couple of hours on solar & battery.

Evaporative coolers, swamp coolers, ice fans, and misting fans, are more popular in real life, along with cooling clothing, blankets, seat cushions, hats, and towels/wraps. Personally, over 50 years of experience, I much prefer swamp coolers over a/c, and they’re much more energy efficient too. They CAN easily be ran 24/7 on battery power, which is a huge advantage.

Being able to adjust the water flow in a swamp cooler can make it much more efficient too. In dry areas, any fan can be converted into an evaporative cooler for only a few bucks in dollar store parts. A frozen gallon jug of water in front of a fan works too, and will last all day. Convenience stores will often let you swap out a couple for free every day if you ask them. I’ll do two, one for an ice fan, and one for all day of ice water for drinking. It works. An ice fan is more of a personal cooler than a whole van cooler, but is sure feels good on a hot day.

Never under estimate the power of shade either! Shade works far better than any amount of insulation or window covers.

For heating/cooking, mine is non electric, and only cost a few dollars to build, and maybe 20 minutes of time, from dollar store parts. It uses cooking oil for fuel.


"A wise man learns from both the successes & failures of others." ~ Off Grid

Van_Dweller! There is so much to unpack in your response! Thank you! I truly enjoyed reading every word and I respect the practical nature of your thought process!

By the way, I live on an island, do you think evaporative, coolers and swamp coolers would work in a place that is known for high humidity? Right now, I park in the shade with just a regular fan. Come July and toward the end of August we have heat and high humidity. I don’t dare use a water cooler with lambs wool Insulation! But the cool breeze off the ocean is like ice in front of a fan!


Swamp coolers were designed to work in the hot & humid swamps, they use a radiator for the heat exchanger, just like a compressor based a/c does. The moist air is exhausted back outside.

I don’t currently know where to purchase one, but they’re pretty easy to make yourself.


"A wise man learns from both the successes & failures of others." ~ Off Grid