Splitting van costs with a friend

Hey guys!
Me and my best friend need some advice on van finances. We are both single and both want to live up van life so badly, but we feel like it is a bit of a big financial burden and tricky splitting it between two friends. We have been best friends for years, we aren’t concerned about us not being friends in the future but who knows what could happen.
How would you guys navigate this? And do you think it’s any different to splitting it with your partner? As we don’t share our lives together like 2 partners would, this is where it gets a bit tricky I think, especially financially.
My mind is thinking ‘if we both want this adventure life bad enough, we can make it work!!’
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Grace :slight_smile:

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I would write a legal agreement on how to handle things when one of you no longer want to be in this partnership, and how the partnership in the van is defined, such as who uses it when, how it’s used, amount of insurance coverage, and a plan to liquidate if it doesn’t work out or the van no longer meets your needs, maintenance, etc.