Portable compost toilet

Hi! New to boon docking and escaping to the “wild”. I was looking for the best and good priced portable composting toilet. I have a Thetford portable but it won’t be good for many days, more for a stop on the side of the road.


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Greetings & Welcome!

We’re not actually composting anything, it takes to long, and requires to much space for nomads. In reality we still need to empty them regularly. Bucket toilets with a urine separator are a much better and cheaper solution for most of us, and I think that’s as close as you can get to a portable solution. Most of the composting toilets I’ve seen aren’t really portable.


"Life can be as simple or as complicated as you make it.
Simple is cheaper and more reliable."
~ Off Grid


I bought a Trelino compostable toilet and could not be happier! Although I regret not buying to taller model. It uses wood shavings or kitty litter and the liquid is collected separately! Therefore it doesn’t stink! I just empty everything once a week … and it doesn’t bother me one bit!