Park4night/Finding sleepover spots

Hello people! I’m going to use the phone app “park4night” to find my parking spots. Its a map on which people can add locations they like, with photos and information regarding toilets, showers, etc. You can also rate/comment on the different locations so it might give you some good information if you want to plan ahead.

What methods do you use to find good sleepover locations? Do you go for camping areas only or stay at other places as well? I want to avoid camping areas as much as possible since its cheaper but there is also ones security to consider which makes it a bit tricky. Anyone who wants to share their experience on the matter? I havent been on the road yet, but hopefully I’ll finish my van in the next couple of days and then I’m off. :smiley:


You’ll probably find that sometimes you’ll need some other sources to pick a spot. We primarily use it can be frustrating because the site isn’t very mobile friendly, but for my experience (2.5 years and counting) nothing else even comes close. When I’m having trouble finding something in an area I’ll sometimes use campendium or a simple Google search.

I use this site to check rest areas for stayability.

I use Allstays to check Walmarts for stayability. They want you to pay but the Walmart part is free.

I do have one appi use called park advisor that is for finding RV relevant resources. You can select what kinds of things it’ll show on the map. I’ve turned off all the RV parks because I refuse to pay for camping. I use it as an easy way see if there’s anything useful up the road such as Walmarts/cracker barrel/ flying j/rest stops/etc


Yeah, I think just about everyone will tell you that

is what they use majority of the time. And you can find some really awesome ‘real campsite’ type of places on there.
I leave reviews on there whenever I can though, because a lot of the times you’ll find places, but your not sure how accessible they are with what you’re driving and at night it can get sketchy.

I also almost always look at the route we’re going and check for rest stops along the route on google maps. And with that, a lot of casinos/truck stops/etc. also come up. Also, especially on the west of the US, if you just search casino, most of them let you park for the night. Some you have to ask though, so just be weary.


Very helpful information! Thank you!

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Great topic @Harry97 !!!

We also plan on launching something similar to Free Campsites right here on our website. That way you can have another source to refer to . Although, this is a plan for the future.


I use some of these mentioned app, plus, if they can’t find anything good enough and we have enough time (and light) to explore we just use google maps with satellite vision and just look for open spaces near water :slight_smile: is quite fun actually but also very time consuming sometimes


Normally We look just rougly the area where we wanna stop and then just look on google maps for dead-end roads, green spots, riversides,…

If we don’t find anything, or just do’nt want to search for long we look at park4night. We also put our best places on park4night for other people to enjoy :smiley:


I actually never added a spot cos I rather leave it a secret and let other people enjoy discovering it (or look for others nearby!), but I’m glad some does because sometimes you just really need a place you know exists! :joy:


Yeah that would be nice!


Park4night is a great app and huge in Europe, I think if this community started using it regularly it would be awesome in the USA as well.


Thanks for sharing about park4night - we’ve never heard of that one! We use and the AllStays app!


I’m also planning on using park4night, looks really helpful in Europe! Out on my first trip now so feels good to get some help finding nice places to stay!


I think maybe using a variety of this apps, rather then just one is a good idea. That way you can get recommendations from audiences using the different apps

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Just downloaded the app and it looks great!


I just downloaded iOverlander, and it’s really awesome! Super great for anyone wanting/doing the PanAmerican Highway, because a lot of the info is based along that route, but there’s also info for other areas too!


You are in the right place. Most of the people in the group are experienced and would have advice on finding a good location for night parking.
Just ask who’s been to this city and you can probably get some help. Good luck with your travels


Before the era of smartphone I used my instinct and I sometimes spent a lot of time finding the perfect spot :roll_eyes:
Now i use the google maps app with the satellite view to spot places that look good !
I used park4night but it does not suit me … The spots are no longer preserved and some secrets and wild places become rather dirty camping areas … (especially in France) :sweat:
Have a nice day


We always tended to steer away from all the apps. Based upon our experiences finding spots in the “pre-app” days and those after, it seems really clear that the apps simply point everyone to a single spot, which then quickly becomes cluttered/littered and eventually destroyed (either by the aforementioned litter or simply the number of people camping there which is the opposite of the reason we typically choose a spot to begin with).

Frankly, once we find a good spot that’s unknown and allows us to hang out alone/undesturbed for days/weeks on end with that perfect view of the ocean or overlooking the mountains… the last thing im likely to do is post in only to find out there’s a dozen people there when I get back… and I would hope everyone else works the same.

Please though… if you use these apps, be aware of how many people that means are coming and going over the course of a season and PLEASE practice leave no trace so that whoever follows you can enjoy it in all the same beauty.

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