Newbie from Tacoma, WA

**Introduce Yourself…**Hi everyone. Wish I had found this forum long ago. Could have saved myself some time and inconvenience. My wife and I have been taking 3-4 wk long trips in backcountry SW since we got our van (E350 V10 Club Wagon with Quigley 4x4) in 2004, about 5,000 miles/yr. We never built out the van, but opted for knockdown and stowable gear instead. This has kept the van free for hauling passengers and bulky items when needed. It’s very comfortable, but at times we might have wanted more plush accommodation. Van days are declining now, with age and health catching up with us.

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Hello, I am live in Tacoma too. I live very close to Point Defense park and the zoo.

Hi Shelly,

We’re almost neighbors. We live in Proctor.

Hello J,

Sorry for the late responses. I have been working, college classes, and working on my vanlife goals. Yeah we are very close indeed. I can walk to North Pearl Safeway. LOL So how is your vanlife going and updates?