New User Tips & Tricks


  • You can post a topic by clicking the Capture button found at the top of every page (topic pages them self’s are exceptions)

  • While posting a topic, please give it an appropriate title, category, and description

  • When you are done click Capture and your topic will instantly be posted


  • Selecting a topic title will always take you to your last read post in the topic. To enter at the top ↑ or bottom ↓ instead, select the reply count or last reply date.


  • For search, the menu, or your user page, use the icon buttons docked at the upper right.

  • While reading a topic, use the timeline on the right side to jump to the top, bottom, or your last read position. On smaller screens, select the bottom progress bar to expand it.

  • If you have a physical keyboard, you can also press ? for a list of keyboard shortcuts.


  • Press any Reply button to open the editor panel at the bottom of your browser. Continue reading (and even navigate to different topics) while you compose your reply; minimize the editor for more room. Drafts will automatically be saved as you write.

  • To insert a quote, select the text you wish to quote, then press the Quote button that pops up. Repeat for multiple quotes.

  • To notify someone about your reply, mention their name. Type @ to begin selecting a username.

  • To use standard Emoji, just type : to match by name, or traditional smileys :wink:

  • To generate a summary for a link, paste it on a line by itself. To start a topic with a link, paste the link into the title field.

  • Your reply can be formatted using simple HTML, BBCode, or Markdown


There are action buttons at the bottom of each post:

  • To let someone know that you enjoyed and appreciated their post, use the like button. Share the love!

  • Grab a copy-pasteable link to any reply or topic via the link button.

  • Use the … button to reveal more actions. Flag to privately let the author, or the site staff, know about a problem. Bookmark to find this post later on your profile page.


  • When someone is talking directly to you — by replying to you, quoting your post, mentioning your @username, or even linking to your post, a number will immediately appear over your profile picture docked at the top right. Select it to access your notifications.

  • Don’t worry about missing a reply – you’ll be emailed any notifications that arrive when you are away.


  • All topics less than two days old are considered new, and will show a new indicator.

  • Any topic you’ve actively participated in — by creating it, replying to it, or reading it for an extended period — will be automatically tracked on your behalf, and will show an unread post count indicator.

  • You can change your notification level for any topic via the notification control at the bottom, and right hand side, of each topic.

  • Notification level can also be set per category. To change any of these defaults, see your user preferences.