Need help on project to create municiple based solution to make cities more accessible

Need y’alls help gathering data for a municipal based solution to make downtowns and cities more accessible to van lifers! Tell me about your struggles with city van life and what you would love to see changed!

Greetings & Welcome!

I’m mainly a city camper, and in over 40 years the biggest problem I ever had was a cargo van. It attracted cops, thieves, vandals, and complaints from scared neighbors. Creepy cargo vans are not stealthy!

Other than that it’s as simple as following parking laws and regulations. Sometimes there’s height, width, or length restrictions. Sometimes no RV parking, or no overnight parking, etc. I just park where it’s legal, don’t try to hide, and try to make friends with my neighbors. I leave no trace, and do my best to be a good neighbor. That’s what works, and it’s simple and easy.


"Too hot? Seek shade, ventilation, and a 12v swamp cooler." ~ Happy Camper

Hi there!
I’m working with city Council on a Parking solution in my city up north in Orillia, Ontario. Did you ever manage to make any progress with your own efforts? If so, how? Any tips?


The hardest part is keeping the addicts & deadbeats out. They’re the ones that trash everything.


"Be the reason someone smiles today!" ~ Van_Dweller