Mini Wood Stoves

I watch a lot of van life videos. Searching for ideas for my tiny travel trailer. I see a lot of mini wood stoves. I have thought about installing one. Do anyone of you have one? If you can, post a pic. What are your thoughts and experiences?

A couple updates…
A long while back I had mentioned my daughter outfitting her suv to live in for a short while. Well…she did it. We set up the back to sleep and chill out in. She did her Gulf Coast and East Coast trip! She truly enjoyed it! She was A bit wrestless when she got back. She said she had just gotten so used to having a destination. Thank you for the suggestions!
I have been working on my tiny travel trailer cor several years. In December i decided to gut it and make it my own. I am almost finished! I have the sofa bed, a bench that hides a potty and mini shower, a nice big cabinet that fits all my cooking stuff and my fridge. I was also able to fit in an overhead cabinet for clothes and a mini closet for coats and shoes! I just finished the floors. Ill post pics when I finish.
You all had THE biggest influence on my build and my daughters suv! Thank you!
Now only if we could find an AC! Lol!

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Wood stoves are messy, and small ones need to be refueled too frequently, like every hour.