Mariah here from London πŸ‘‹πŸ»

Hi there! My name is Mariah and I am travelling and sleeping in my car on a road trip around Europe. I have a 7 seater Mercedes-Benz which makes a nice bed :slight_smile: currently in central France but on my way to the south soon!


Hi Mariah!

That sounds awesome! How long have you been on the road? :smile:

Hey! Great :smiley:
Would you please come to the related topic and share your financial experience during living on the road? The topic is here:

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Hi Mariah! If you’ll be in Italy in the next three months there’s a shower and a hot meal here for you, I’m in the northwest, near France… Always interested to listen to experiences like yours! In September maybe we’ll see one the road, good luck!

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