Once again your proving to be a very valuable resource Im very grateful for all the effort you make for me along with others on here
Getting computer parts over here is not really a problem and I think having the ability to do repairs adds another string to the bow (at least I think so, and that can only be a good thing right?
I was going to ask you about the remote software i did look at some reviews yesterday teamviewer was in there and I have used that before when co designing my website with a guy in India!
splashtop- logmein and teamviewer are all good.
im interested in the internet connection in order to work remotely I have an unlimited plan with GiffGaff that runs on the O2 network and to run my laptop i need to connect via my phone (effectively using the phone as a hub) is this my only option?
or could you advise on an alternative (generically as I realise we are on different sides of the pond)
Im probably going to look at google ads and social media for marketing using freelancer sites I can build a website no problems but again bloody marketing is a minefield
I did look at computer repairs in my area and noticed that no one is running google ads so if i were to run an ad tomorrow for round here for a mobile computer repair business I would be on page one!
I have looked at classifieds online and craigslist but a good social media campaign on Insta & FB plus sending traffic to a website is the thing to conquer now
Happy days!!
Like ive said i did lots of research over the last couple of weeks regarding the van and how to set it all up and thats all kinda sorted now and Im fairly confident that this is viable
the main thing for me now is to sort the income and gear up towards that whilst Im still in regular employment and to facilitate a transition period
I’m currently traveling back and forth between Duluth & Minneapolis Minnesota in the USA, helping friends convert their owner operated businesses into non owner operated income streams.
Nobody I know has ever had any luck with Google Ads, Facebook, or other social media sites, even though some have blown very large budgets on them. The traffic simply doesn’t convert into sales. With classified ads I averaged about 1 sale per 100 visitors for my ebook sales, and for the computer repair, it’s about 1 in 10, but far fewer click throughs to start with.
With computer repair parts, if they’re readily available locally that’s a totally different scenario than I had. Finding parts locally was almost impossible for me.
I always advocate keeping your current income until your new business is stable and exceeds your current income levels.
I don’t currently have my own internet, since I’m in cities where there is free internet available, I have a USB wireless dongle that picks up signals from considerably farther away than the one built into my laptop does. If I park within a block or two of free internet, I can usually get 3+ bars and totally good internet. I just make sure that if I’m doing anything sensitive, I have an https: connection. I use VOIP for my phone service, and it goes to voice mail if I’m not online. In the boonies, I have a CB radio to communicate with others nearby.
I know some people use external antennas and signal boosters, but so far I haven’t found a need. If I’m camping where there’s no free internet, then I’m on vacation and just don’t need it. hehe…
"Knowledge is power, but only action makes it happen." ~ Off_Grid
I’m currently upgrading my Wix website into a Wordpress site and pursuing the wedding photography angle I’ve spoken to a number of people on fiver who have shown me results from their SEO work.
I’m currently on a bidding site for weddings and when I started out i did get a few to help start my business but it seems as though they do operate mainly for the cheaper end of the market
which is fine for now as it keeps my “hand in” until the new site is done and this guy can work his SEO magic
without the need for google ads . . . I’ve just got to keep the site active and update regularly on the blog to generate interest from the google end of things, I’ve got someone for that also (writing my blog every week)
Totally agree on the part of not giving up my job until I’ve got all this sorted out I’m currently waiting for the computer course I bought to be delivered so I can get started on that.
I’ve checked out RV sites around London and there are plenty to choose from with all the usual amenities available including WiFi and I figure on staying on some from time to time to do laundry and to work remotely using it as a base
I don’t know its all so overwhelming at the moment just when I think I’ve got it all figured out I then wake up one day and it seems to all go to shite . . . . today it’s looking ok and things are moving in the right direction. .i think?
Im really now concentrating on the income aspect as the van part is kinda done
Hey…wondering if you can DM me, as I have more in depth questions and I’m new to the forum so I dont even know how to message you (if thats possible)
Thank you for your time.
hey. thanks for the detailed info, it’s very helpful and encouraging. i’m thinking of trying the e-book sales thing out.
i’m actually a software developer, but with a strong entrepeneurial spirit. so keeping a steady job can be difficult and funds always seem to be tight with or without vanlife. hoping to break out of this cycle one day and this topic seems to know one way to go at it. so thanks again.
The most common question I hear is how to get to this or that position. Many people want to do nothing, but make money. But unfortunately in today’s world it is very difficult to find a high-paying job, for a number of reasons. One of them is that candidates need to write a brief sop as to why they should hire you. I often encountered rejections until I used an online sop writing service. I ended up getting the much desired position after the first letter.