Looking for Group to travel &learn from

Introduce Yourself… name is Jason and my fur son is Yoda the Chihuahua. Im in Brownsville TX. now been down here for couple of months trying to get my truck ready to at least start this journey. Originally from VA. Would like to go west, if anyone knows of something or some ppl like this that i could catch up with Would be amazing. I tried Facebook but since I just joined im to new to join any groups on there i tried…but any help would be greatly appreciated. Y’alls friend


They’ve got community forums on Craigslist and you might find some interesting people there.


"Be the reason someone smiles today!" ~ Van_Dweller

Thank you for the lead. And be careful out there

Florida here
Have you had any luck finding other travelers ?

No i haven’t yet. But still tryin. It’ll happen when its supposed to I guess.