Introducing Me and My Rig

Good day,

I am a photographer by passion and a marketing geek by profession. I take a day or two for photography when traveling for work to speak at conferences, but after renting an SUV to camp in for a week on one such trip to Las Vegas, I was hooked.

The rig I chose was based on the idea that I wanted to have something I could drive pretty much anywhere, any time of year. I wanted to spend more time near the the areas I wanted to shoot, even remote areas like White Pocket AZ (which I did this year), and still look like just another parked vehicle.

Valley of the Gods

Since I’ve had it, I’ve done a 20 day 5800 mile and 12 day trips out West, and numerous smaller in the Midwest. It’s a 2005 Z71 Suburban 4x4 w/ 240k miles. I’ve taken out all the rear seats and built a platform for sleeping and storage. The platform can by in with 2nd row seats via a hinge if needed. I added a second AGM battery with isolator, which is enough to charge camera equipment and my laptop. I insulated, including cutouts for all rear windows so I can pop them in and out easily, which doubles for privacy.

I look forward to learning more from and sharing with you all.
You can see photography from my travels over on Instagram.

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Hi Kevin, I’m Ryter. It looks like we joined this forum on the same day.

I checked out your Instagram and really enjoyed your photography. Do you sell your photos? (Like to stock photo sites, etc.,)

What kind of marketing do you do? That’s a skill that’s always interested (and intimidated) me.

How often do you live in your SUV? I imagine that would be pretty rough living full time! Nice to meet you, Kevin!

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Hi Ryter, thanks for stopping by and saying hello.

I had been saying no to everyone till late 2018 when I finally caved in and started selling some prints. I was reluctant for a lot of reasons, but for simplicity, let’s just say I don’t want sales to ruin the joy of photography for me. I already have a stressful job. But, yes, I sell to local magazines, the newspaper, and I sell files or prints. No stock sites yet.

I’ve been developing websites and working in online marketing, SEO, Social Media (before it was even so named), etc. since the late '90’s. Currently we focus on multi-location companies that have tens to thousands of locations who need help scaling their marketing. Personally, for the last 7 years or so I’ve run a monthly social and marketing breakfast for local professionals and businesses to come get over that fear of marketing. :slight_smile:

The SUV works out really nice for short or long trips but you’re right, it wouldn’t be ideal to live in. Although, I really had no issue during that 20 day trip. It would be nice to be able to stand up, but I’ve adjusted to not being able to. The short answer though, not as often as I would like to. It’s mostly for one big trip per year and several small ones.

Thanks for such interesting and thoughtful questions.


Greetings & Welcome to both of you!


"Smiles are contagious, pass them on!" ~ Van_Dweller

Kevin, I’m just fascinated and impressed by what you do. While photography is a very competitive industry, my goodness the opportunities are astounding! And marketing? What a gift/skill that is, especially in today’s world full of opportunities to earn money online and using social media!

I’ve always been one of those folks who honestly enjoys looking at other people photography, family and vacation photos, etc., I love to write so I see stories in every picture.

Do you think you’ll ever pursue full-time van life? (Or maybe even half-time?)

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No, I am married so there won’t likely be any full-time or extended trips in my future.

Then that must make every trip you take for your photography pretty memorable. :camera_flash:

Very impressive that you are kicking it in such a small rig. Taking it to the next level, love it.
Your photography is amazing! Maybe we will see you on the road. Hit us up if you find yourself in Cali.


Thank you. It is actually quite comfortable save for changing my clothes and if I were to get stuck in there for an extended time due to rain, etc. What you can’t see is that my feet are at the end of the platform. From there to the front seats is the whole area where the back seats normally go. So, I have a small short fold up stool that I can sit at–without my head hitting–looking towards the back, with my laptop or food sitting on the platform like it is a table. But, nothing like your bus conversion! Wow.

Thank you for the compliment, I enjoy photography very much. And it would be great to run into you on a trip.

Welcome to both of you.