Intro/Seeking Knowledge

Hi All,

Andrew here. My wife and I are joining the sane people and pursuing this seemingly awesome route of existence. We’re here for the wisdom and culture.

Question 1: First I would love to hear and learn from individuals who make their homes in both vans and 24 ish foot campers.Any understanding of the difference of lifestyle in each of these environments would be super helpful.

Question 2: Does anyone do a rural/dispersed camping in a van full time? I myself am an outdoorsman so naturally I have the dream of a 4x4 Mercedes build out with a 6x12 canvass tent next to it with a roaring fire. But I’m also a realist and my wife likes civilization. Perhaps looking for a comfortable all around setup that can also achieve some mild “off the beaten path” activities for short excursions?

Question 3: Have to come to you all humble as ask legitimately how do you procure and manage an income while maintaining this lifestyle? We crave the freedom I see you all enjoying. Knowing it’s 100 percent possible we are here to learn. (Chef/Litagator)

Question 4: Any opening advice for two very enthusiastic people in our 30s looking to break free of the economic cycle and enjoy life. This is a fantastic resource for new people starting out, we appreciate you very much. I’ve also never met anyone who lives in a van that’s an asshole. Not one. Pretty excited to be among some nice people!


Greetings & Welcome!

I am cheap by choice, not necessity. I prefer cheap older camper vans or motorhomes. Motorhomes are my first choice, factory campers second, and DIY last. Old motorhomes are frequently the cheapest option and the quickest, and they’re move in ready & the most comfortable with all the amenities of an efficiency apartment.

This lifestyle can be had for under $2500, without compromising on comfort, reliability, or safety. Newer isn’t always better, but simpler almost always is.

Many nomads do day labor or temp services in whatever area they’re in, some follow the crops and some follow the tourists for seasonal jobs. Some work jobs that involve travel, and some work remotely. Many who don’t travel much just work regular jobs while saving money for a successful future or retirement.

Some are self employed, and can throw an ad up on Craigslist or the like, and get plenty of paying customers wherever they are. Jobs like mobile mechanics, mobile RV repair, handymen, pressure washing, and many more opportunities. Some of us also have money making websites.

There’s good money to be made almost everywhere if we’re resourceful enough.

Life can be as simple and enjoyable as we choose to make it, or as complicated and miserable. Simple and enjoyable has served me the best. I’m mostly a city dweller by choice, but also enjoy camping in the forests, by lakes, rivers, streams, or the sometimes the beach. Shade in the summer and sun in the winter, can help immensely with your heating/cooling efforts, but for me having enough heating & cooling power to be comfortable anytime & anywhere is the key to my happiness. I’m generally power frugal, but my gas generator ensures I never run out of power regardless of the weather, and can charge my batteries day or night if need be. As a failsafe plan, none of my essentials require power, only fuel. Many of our luxuries require power, but not our essentials. We can live comfortably without the luxuries if necessary.


"Tough people thrive in tough times." ~ Local Yocal