Hi from Nova Scotia Canada

Hi everyone, I’m Nancy. I got sucked into watching vanlife videos on YouTube a few weeks ago and I am hooked! I have always enjoyed camping and solitude. I’m older (mid-50s) and think it’s time for me to spend time doing the things I would like to to before I have regrets.

I have some tools and other resources at my disposal, but I am working on a tight budget. Sadly, where I live everything is really expensive and there won’t be any bargains to be had when buying a van. I’ll be building on my own.

I’m excited to be here!

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  • Welcome Nancy!
    Good thinking! I did like you, but after 60! Those weeks on my own, in my homemade van really give me the feeling I’m Living.
    Best of luck! Go for it!

I love what you expressed Nancy, living life now before you have regrets. I lived fulltime van life, surfing, climbing, backpacking, and going up and down the west coast from Baja to Washington state, until I turned 50. Much of my adult life.

Then I decided to get married and have a family.

Which I did. And I had to get a job, but a house, and become a different person.

And while nothing trumps having children, I became a different person.

Other than my kids, the best part of my life was the twenty years I lived in a van.


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I meant buy a house, not but a house.

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I’m the opposite. For all of my adult life I have been a parent and now that my daughter is an adult it’s time for me to have some fun! :grinning:

Exactly opposite. :slight_smile: