Hello from SF Bay California!

Introduce Yourself…

Hi VanLifers,

My name is Chris from the SF Bay Area. I’ve been slowly researching and playing with the idea of building out my own van over the past few years. I finally found a good deal on a Ford Transit 148 high roof which I’m in the process of buying this week. I already have an EcoFlow Delta Pro battery system and some solar panels which i’ve used for camping in my smaller car here and there. A bit more about me, I’m a juggler and often travel around to events; I thought it’d be a good investment to have a van I can travel and lodge in, so I’d have enough space for my show stuff and could save $ on hotels. The van seems like it’d be especially useful for festivals and camping. Since I’m not planning to live in it full time, I’m hoping to make a modular build out at first, so no permanent cabinets or things but insulated inside and some removable things like simple bed/desk, composting toilet, popup table with induction stove, etc. I’m hoping to at first install some essential things like vent fan, and roof rack with a spot for starlink, solar panels, and maybe a ladder with a patio I could climb up on. I’ll try and post updates as the project continues, thanks for stopping by and reading!

Greetings & Welcome!

We’ll be looking forward to your updates!


"Tough people thrive in tough times." ~ Local Yocal

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