Haven’t decided if getting a van or small bus. I guess I have some searching ahead.
Yes you do my friend!
Let us know if you need any help
There are pros and cons to every decision being a vehicular dweller.
First, you need to consider how much you want to “blend in” aka be able to live in “stealth mode” or not.
Some other points to consider:
Mpg or miles per fuel/energy costs and ease.
Parking options as ease level needed?
How much space do you really need and why all? Downsizing is a necessary evil for all of us every so often. While I have gotten extremely good at downsizing, it is still painful to do, but I have learned for the most part that the space and weight of unused items can cost one more financially (I. E. Lowers mpg). Mentally (more to remember where and how stores, physically/medically due to moving it around to get to needed items, and even lessons the creative options of one’s “home’s layout and design”.
How many living and/visiting there?
Animal space needed?
How to clean and keep it clean.
Work out of it?
Insurance costs?
Registration costs?
Hope this helps.
I would start by checking the parking, camping, and sleeping laws in the area you plan to be in.
I had the same dilema between a small bus or van. I went with a van mainly because to me it is easier to drive and fit in camp sites.