Brrr, have a 08 Odyssey Touring. Currently using buddy heater but CO2 no bueno. Anyone install Chinese heater where the rear blower lives. Holes and hoses are already coming from the floor by right side sliding door. Thinking of using those to tap into for exhaust and fuel lines. Once the rear blower is out plenty of space for heater. Just curious if anyone has done this B4?
I use the propane buddy heater, but only when I am around. It does not set off the alarm.
I use a decent diesel heater in my boat. A good one costs about $2,000. The cheap Chinese diesel heater I bought, ran for about ten minutes, and never ran again. Even with all the new bits as suggested by others. I gave it to a mechanic friend. It still does not work.
So, if it is diesel heat you would like, the only real option IMO, is a decent more expensive unit. However, the Russian commies have also copied the German design, and they sell for about half the price as a good on. You may find a working Espar in a crashed Kenworth, but expect to pay $$$ to get it to work in your van. I would put in a decent diesel heater, if we used the van in the colder months.
Thank you. I think the only upgrade I might do this year is upgrading to the big buddy. There is only 60 days of winter left so no need to spend to much till next season.
Liquid candle heaters are cheap to make, and work extremely well.