Initially I assumed there would be too much of a trade off of things that I didn’t understand by choosing an EV Van over Gas Powered.
I am wiling to adjust my lifestyle around the Range and other idiosyncrocies.
However the one that concerned me and still does is: Giving up the Alternator Charging from the Gas Engine. Turns out I really don’t have plans to do that much driving to begin with. And I also plan on putting 1650 Watts on the roof!
I also realized I can charge my Home/Van Batteries at the charging station after my Van is charged. Or at my Mom’s house while parked there for the winter!
So I will have Shure Power and Solar and maybe even trickle E-transit happening as well. With 1650 Watts I could conceiable charge like 15-20 Miles a Day when it is Sunny? Not sure.
I am please asking for advice on what will be being sacrificed by Choosing an EV Van? Also Very nice rebates and incentives are available and It looks like I can get one for around the same 40 Grand I was going to spend on the Ram Promaster.
Of course they are coming out with Their E-van and who knows maybe that one will be more worthy to choose. But the price will be high until used ones are available!
P.S. I do not understand what it would take or the issues with Warrantees etc… To direct my Solar to the E-transits battery for Slow charging while sitting. Great research assignment!