Bus Lifers Working on a Second Build


We are Frequent Stops. Our group consists of Ben Wolfgang, Toby Myers, Orion Swann, and Anna Tyrrell.

We currently live in a 2008 Ford Starcraft and we are in the middle of a second conversion on a 2002 Step Van. That’s right! There are four of us living in a 120 square foot bus.

Our original impetus for bus life was to escape the dreaded rent monster and pay off student loans quickly. That was almost 2 years ago and today we are all totally debt free!

We are currently looking for the next challenge and excited to connect with other people or groups that think outside the box.


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Would love to see the bed setup in your build if that’s the case :thinking:

We have two Rock and Roll couch beds and a bed on the roof. Our Instagram is @frequentstops if you want to check it out.

Wow, good for you! Both for being able to live together in that close quarters and still liking each other, but mostly for being debt free!!! :+1:

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