Are people using the JP Combi Hot Water & Heaters (Truma) in North America?

I haven’t seen anything mentioned about the JP Combi Heaters (they are a bit like a Chinese Truma). They are becoming popular in the UK, Australia and maybe parts of Europe. Probably one of the better manufacturers of Chinese Heaters (LPG & Diesel) as they have been supplying a lot of the Chinese Heavy Goods Vehicle market for some years.

Here is a bit about them (I have no connections to them although I do have a JP Diesel Combi Heater fitted in my vehicle).

I know some Chinese suppliers don’t get good reviews but I have to say this looks to be a very well made unit, JP have been making vehicle heaters for over 20 years. So far its working great, I have had it installed for around 5 months and I cant fault it. It provides excellent heating, bags of hot water and is surprisingly quiet. I’ve connected it directly to my diesel tank, I am diesel and electric throughout and don’t use any LPG.

Gas or Diesel: You have the choice as JP make both. What is interesting is that the Truma Diesel version is a lot more expensive than their LPG version, if I am, not mistaken its about double the price. However the JP versions are the same price.

Price: The price of the Truma (Diesel) is around $950 ( USD ) Plus shipping.

Compatibility: The parts appear to be compatible (maybe identical) with the Truma. No doubt you would invalidate the Truma warranty but if anyone has a Truma heater out of warranty that needs parts then it may be worth finding out more.

JP Combi Hot Air and Hot Water Heater

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Hi Hotpot, How did you get on with the JP heater this last few weeks? Any problems? Thanks


Hello John,

The heater has been superb. Even with lock-down I have been able to use it on very short journeys as I like to air the van. It’s worked flawlessly and provided an abundance of heat.

Are you thinking of getting one?

It was on my list as a plan B. I managed to get a really good price on the Truma and since I could find no reports of anyone (apart from your blog) who had actually used one, I decided to go for it. However, I was told last week that Truma can’t get any burners (from Webasto) until June and I really need it now.

So, I’ve just pressed the button!

I really enjoyed your blog - you did a superb job on the van - I can only hope that I can manage a similar standard of finish :slight_smile:

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Good to hear. I think you will be happy with it John. I know a few people that have bought one, all seem very satisfied. But as it’s the Chinese New Year you may have to wait a few days. Thanks for the kind comments about the blog, glad it was of use to you.

Guys, i been thinking about buying this heater, are you happy with it, how about warranty for it ?..

I’ve had it long enough now to say I am more than satisfied. I have had no issues at all. I know of quite a few people that have bought them (around Europe), none that I can tell have had any problems so I can’t say how well JP handle the warranty side of things (I think it’s a 12 month warranty but check). JP have also brought out a diesel cooker/heater so you now have two options.

Greetings & Welcome!

While I have no experience with that particular unit, I believe my 2¢ worth might be worthwhile.

When it comes to essential things, I absolutely do not want them to require any type of electrical power. Fuel powered alone is much more reliable, with much less to go wrong with it.

Good luck & keep us posted. :slight_smile:


"There are no stupid questions, only stupid answers..." ~ Road Warrior

Hi Hotpot
Are you able to supply some stats for the amount of Diesel Per Hr that the heater uses, especially on a real cold night down to -3oC if you have experienced this type of climate?

The fuel is taken directly from my vehicle fuel tank. I’ve never tried to measure it as its too small an amount to notice on the vehicle fuel gauge even in very cold temperatures (which I used). JP Heaters will have the stats and they will answer you if you contact them (Selina’s contact details and WhatsApp are on my website if you need them)

Thanks for the nice write up. I’m considering the LPG version of the JP for a build. Are you still pleased with the unit? Any issues?


I just stumbled on Truma Combis today and it looks interesting, but I’m not finding a way to buy them anywhere. Anybody got insight into their availability in the US?

Maybe not a big issue, as it looks like they’re up to $1,800 (somewhere).


My heaters/cookers are a simple, cheap, foolproof design. Minor DIY, under $10, and all the parts are available at a dollar store.


You adjust the amount of heat by how many wicks you light, so heat or cooking temperatures are highly adjustable. I use several, so I can use multiple burners at the same time, and my portable folding oven works on top of one too.

When using one for a heater, I add a heat powered fan on top to give me fan forced heat with no electricity or power needed. The fans can be found under “woodstove fans”.


There are some pretty neat commercial versions available that use the same technology:

If you shop around, sometimes you can save quite a bit too.

The canned heat canisters can be bought cheap at the dollar stores too.


"Life can be as simple or as complicated as you make it.
Simple is cheaper and more reliable." ~ Off Grid

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Hi I’m new to this forum and just looking at the JP range of combi heaters, my Truma 6e has failed so that’s why im looking at them.

I wondered after looking at your post if you are still using yours and if it’s been a good investment.

Regards Ray