Introducing Myrself…
Hi. I’m Anne Louise. I’m 83 and single, living alone in Minnesota. My goal is to be living full-time in a van by the end of summer 2027, but hopefully sooner. Right now Im just camping in my small SUV with my dog and researching and learning what I need to know. .
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Pushing 80 myself, and have been a nomad my entire adult life.
I’ve had many rigs over the years, DIY’d many, and also had many factory camper vans & motorhomes.
Today we’re in a 40’ converted bus because there’s 3 of us. But when I was traveling alone, my favorites were mid 1970’s motorhomes, and they can still be bought very cheap and in excellent condition. They were built in an era when quality still meant something.
We’re currently in S. Florida, but will be heading North as the weather dictates. My female travel mates are 23 & 87, and we’re all living out our dream lives, working a few hours each morning from the comfort of our home on wheels, then we’ll jump into our towed mini-van and go exploring for the rest of the day.
We’re now doing a Thousand Trails package, hundreds full hookups campgrounds across the country for only $1500 a year, all utilities included!!! That comes out to under $150 a month!!! We’re pretty new to it, but wish I’d known about it much sooner.
Good luck, and we’re here to help.