Hi everyone my name is Kaitlin, but you can call me Katie, Kate or Kat. I’ve been a hairdresser for the last 13 years. I’m about to turn 40 and I have 2 teen daughters 17 & 18 and 2 cats.I’m soon to be into my next chapter in life after my last baby graduates! Man does time fly! I’ve been married for the last 8 years but my husband recently asked for a divorce
Soooo… this is why I’m here! I’ve always wanted to live simple and travel! Thought I would be doing it with a partner but my 2 cats will be plenty of company instead. I have about a year to prepare ( learn, sell belongings, buy van, plan etc ). Definitely scared as I’ve never been on my own or at peace with just me so I’m challenging myself and cannot wait for the healing journey to begin!
Happy Trails!