Airstream Nineteen

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Hi! I’m new here. I am considering ordering an Airstream Nineteen any pros or cons that may help me out? I live in Southern CA and don’t plan on doing snow trips
Thank you

Greetings & Welcome!

While I’m an advocate for factory campers, buying new, or even newish seems counter productive to me. I prefer buying used, fully depreciated vehicles. Let somebody else suffer the loss of depreciation. Buying new or newish doesn’t guarantee reliability or trouble free, and older vehicles were usually better built. Quality is a thing of the past, regardless of how much you pay. Today it’s all about corporate greed, not quality or customer satisfaction.

All the newer vehicles seem to be prone to premature rust issues, and diesels, especially the sprinters, are known for expensive and hard to maintain emission systems. Gas models might be better.

That Airstream Nineteen is going to lose $30k-50k the moment you take ownership of it. Are those kind of losses acceptable to you?

Have you tried out this lifestyle to see if you even enjoy it? A rental could help you decide. Our dreams, wants, and desires are frequently a far cry from the reality of actually doing it. For $168k+ you could probably rent a new or almost new one for your trips for the rest of your life and still save money, without any of costs and headaches associated with ownership.

Hope this helps, and keep us posted.


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